This is the first snap of what I'm up to at the minute. The band's in recording our third demo over the next few weeks. We're putting down four tracks; Envy of a Stranger, Bittersweet, Faulted and Burning Bridge (may be re-tiitled in progress). These are, in my opinion at least, our strongest tracks to date. Can't wait to hear them finished. Anyone not in a band can't appreciate jsut how frustrating it is when you love your own songs but only get to hear them from inside the crushing wall of noise of a practice room...
This is a pretty distant picture of Jai's monster kit. You can see Si on the left, who says this is pretty much the loudest kit he's ever heard. Kinda fits with the fact Jai's smallest tom is the size of a floor tom.
The picture pretty well sums up the day cos all we managed to get done was the drum tracks, but four drum tracks done is four less to do another time :)

Here is proof at last that Ringo's Marshall cab is simply too small. That's a Mesa Boogie cab on the right, and the little baby Marshall on the left is actually a 4x12". Technically the same size.
It was great being locked up in a soundproof booth playing our guitar parts whilst Jai laid the drums down. This was the first time we've ever played with the full band and my ears haven't had to take 2-3 days recovering afterwards.

Finally for today, I feel it necessary to post a picture of my latest hobby creation. This is Games Workshop's new Eldar Wraithlord kit, which I spent the better part of 8 hours assembling over Sunday and Monday. I know this stuff's not for everyone but hey, if we all had the same tastes in what to do with our free time, etc.
So, been waiting for this kit since about July and finally got my hands on one. Posting this has a two-fold purpose:
1) Those who care, look how cool this thing is!!
2) Those who are reading, if you don't see pictures of it painted in the next few weeks, feel free to berate me heavily.
Anyway, farewell for now.